Women Artists’ Art Week is a social impact initiative that encourages art galleries and art institutions to advance gender equality/equal opportunities in the art world. WAAW was born in London, U.K. and is being adopted all over the world.
The WAAW World initiative is open to all commercial art galleries and non-commercial art institutions willing to showcase exclusively female artists on their own premises during the course of WAAW. The initiative takes place annually for at least one week of 8-15 June. We ask everyone to showcase female artists at the same time in order to achieve greater impact.
The goal of WAAW will be, first of all, to raise awareness about the imbalance of representation for female artists in the world art scene, as well as to help them to launch a career and achieve financial self-sufficiency. We want to encourage commercial and cultural art organisations to engage more with female artists in order to create an environment that appreciates and fosters female artists’ role in the art world. Through partnerships with local organisations, global markets, and educational platforms, we aim to address gender inequality, promote economic empowerment, and create lasting social change in diverse communities worldwide
WAAW encourages the government to support self-employed women as a way to create a more equal society and support mental health of mothers and their children. It is important to have the same government support infrastructure for self-employed women as already exists for those who are employed.